January 2021

Lets learn about Gall bladder stone or Cholelithiasis.

Dr Jahangir Kabir ets learn about Gall bladder stone or Cholelithiasis

Hepatobiliary series: 1. GALL BLADDER STONE/CHOLELTHIASIS Lets learn about Gall bladder stone or Cholelithiasis. One of the most common disease encountered by a radiologist on day to day practice. Most important Function of gall bladder is to work as a reservoir for the Bile released by liver and concentrate it. The bile is then released …

Lets learn about Gall bladder stone or Cholelithiasis. Read More »

Fatty liver is one of the most common findings reported by a Radiologist on Ultra Sonography.

Dr Jahangir Kabir blog

Hepatobilliary series: Post no. 2: FATTY LIVER DISEASE Fatty liver is one of the most common findings reported by a Radiologist on UltraSonography. Fatty liver is excessive/abnormal accumulation of fat within the liver. Fatty liver disease is of two types: 1. Alcoholic 2. Non-Alcoholic Alcoholic fatty liver disease is seen in heavy drinkers. Non-Alcoholic fatty …

Fatty liver is one of the most common findings reported by a Radiologist on Ultra Sonography. Read More »

Many people were asking for a post on Gall bladder polyp or GB Polyp. So lets learn about GB polyp today.

Dr Jahangir Kabir blog 2

Hepatobilliary series: Post no. 3: Gall Bladder Polyp Many people were asking for a post on Gall bladder polyp or GB Polyp. So lets learn about GB polyp today. What is GB Polyp? —> GB Polyp is the non-cancerous (Benign) growth from the inner lining (Mucosa) of Gall bladder. Nearly 5% of GB polyp may …

Many people were asking for a post on Gall bladder polyp or GB Polyp. So lets learn about GB polyp today. Read More »

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