What is prostate gland? PROSTATE ENLARGEMENT (Prostatomegaly).


PROSTATE ENLARGEMENT (Prostatomegaly) What is prostate gland? —> Prostate gland is present only in males. It is located beneath the Urinary bladder. Urethra (Tube that transports urine) coming out from the urinary bladder passes through the center of the prostatic gland. Enlarged Prostate compresses the urethra leading to Urinary symptoms. An enlarged prostate can be …

What is prostate gland? PROSTATE ENLARGEMENT (Prostatomegaly). Read More »

Lets learn about Gall bladder stone or Cholelithiasis.

Dr Jahangir Kabir ets learn about Gall bladder stone or Cholelithiasis

Hepatobiliary series: 1. GALL BLADDER STONE/CHOLELTHIASIS Lets learn about Gall bladder stone or Cholelithiasis. One of the most common disease encountered by a radiologist on day to day practice. Most important Function of gall bladder is to work as a reservoir for the Bile released by liver and concentrate it. The bile is then released …

Lets learn about Gall bladder stone or Cholelithiasis. Read More »

Fatty liver is one of the most common findings reported by a Radiologist on Ultra Sonography.

Dr Jahangir Kabir blog

Hepatobilliary series: Post no. 2: FATTY LIVER DISEASE Fatty liver is one of the most common findings reported by a Radiologist on UltraSonography. Fatty liver is excessive/abnormal accumulation of fat within the liver. Fatty liver disease is of two types: 1. Alcoholic 2. Non-Alcoholic Alcoholic fatty liver disease is seen in heavy drinkers. Non-Alcoholic fatty …

Fatty liver is one of the most common findings reported by a Radiologist on Ultra Sonography. Read More »

Many people were asking for a post on Gall bladder polyp or GB Polyp. So lets learn about GB polyp today.

Dr Jahangir Kabir blog 2

Hepatobilliary series: Post no. 3: Gall Bladder Polyp Many people were asking for a post on Gall bladder polyp or GB Polyp. So lets learn about GB polyp today. What is GB Polyp? —> GB Polyp is the non-cancerous (Benign) growth from the inner lining (Mucosa) of Gall bladder. Nearly 5% of GB polyp may …

Many people were asking for a post on Gall bladder polyp or GB Polyp. So lets learn about GB polyp today. Read More »

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