Hepatobilliary series:
Post no. 3:
Gall Bladder Polyp
Many people were asking for a post on Gall bladder polyp or GB Polyp. So lets learn about GB polyp today.
What is GB Polyp?
—> GB Polyp is the non-cancerous (Benign) growth from the inner lining (Mucosa) of Gall bladder. Nearly 5% of GB polyp may develop Cancers.
—> Can single or Multiple.
What are the symptoms?
—> Asymptomatic. Incidentally Diagnosed on USG.
—> Large polyps may be symptomatic.
—> Only concern in an asymptomatic GB polyp is risk of developing cancer.
What is Relation between Size and Malignant (Cancerous ) potential of a Polyp?
—> Polyps less than 5mm are almost always benign/Cholesterol Polyps.
—> 5-10 mm polyps are benign when they does not show any growth on Follow up Scans.
—> Cancerous polyps are larger, generally more than 20mm or 2 cm.
What is the relation between Number of Polyps and malignant potential ??
—> Benign (non cancerous ) polyps/Cholesterol Polyps are multiple in >50% of cases.
—> Malignant or Cancerous polyps are generally single and large.
—> Increase in numbers of Polyps on follow up scans, mostly suggests non-cancerous.
Growth of polyp:
—> Benign polyps grows less than 2mm per year.
—> Cancerous polyps grow faster.
1. Observation: For Small polyps less than 1cm/10mm. Follow up annual USG Whole Abdomen scans are necessary for measuring the growth of the Polyps. Faster growing Polyps need to be removed.
2. Surgery/Cholecystectomy: To be safe, Surgeons typically recommend removing GALLBLADDER POLYP that is 1 centimeter or more. They’ll also recommend removal for symptoms of inflammation, such as pain and fever.
Points to be remembered:
1. Don’t be panic if you have GB polyp. Only 5% of polyp may develop into cancer.
2. If you have a rare condition called Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis, and you’re diagnosed with GB Polyp then it is always considered Cancerous until and unless it is proven to be benign on Biopsy.
3. Even maximum polyps with size >1cm come out to be benign on post-Surgery pathogical examinations, but it is better to be safe than getting a cancer.